KANDO id: 6810776

Token information

Also known as


Ethereum ( ERC20 )

Allocation as of

Allocation details
Segment % Notes
Public sale 70.00 % Contributors
Operations reserve 15.00 % Reserved fund
Founding team and employees 9.00 % Founders and team
Advisors 3.00 %
Community grants partnerships and bounties 3.00 % "Bounty" campaign

Project team

Team member Affiliations

Vladimir Gorbunov (founder)

Internet entrepreneur with extensive management experience for more than 10 years, founded 5 companies with a total capitalization of over $150 millions, including Workle and PayQR, included in the rating "30 under 30" according to RBTHV.

Austin Kimm (founder)

Experienced CEO and international financial services strategist having created and managed companies throughout the world, including Renaissance Insurance Group Russia, a company with over 3,000 employees and almost $1bn in annual insurance premium. Wharton Business School, CEDEP, Bachelor of Law.

Gleb Markov (founder)

Certified fintech expert with 7 years of successful work in the industry. Experience in payment laws and regulations in the most significant jurisdictions in the world, passing certification for compliance with the international security standard in the PCI DSS processing of payment data.

Steven Polyak (founder)

Global emerging markets investment banker, Managing Director for Alor Invest. More than 10 years of experience in capital markets. Masters Degree in Economics and a Bachelors Degree in international Relations from State University of New York at Buffalo

Katrina Arden

Katrina Arden is a blockchain attorney licensed in the State of California, the United States. She is involved in the blockchain community since 2016 and consulted on multiple token sale projects (Cryptonomos, Giga Watt project, ICOBox, and others). Katrina is a founder of Blockchain Law Group, which is consulting in the field of blockchain technology, issuance of product and security tokens, and cryptocurrency matters.

Roger Crook

CEO of Capital Springboard - Singapore's leading peer-to-peer invoice financing platform for SMEs. Former Global CEO of DHL Global Forwarding 25 years of international leadership and operational experience.

Dmitriy Fomin

Lead developer of payment and processing structure of PayQR (multichannel settlements, decentralized processing and server infrastructure, high load immediate settlements) Blockchain & smart contracts developer, fintech experienced.

Elie Galem

Mathematician and quantitative hedge fund CIO. Advisor to tier one projects bringing Blockchain, ICO, Digital Assets & Cryptocurrencies to Financial ecosystem, including Bancor, Legolas Exchange, and Gimli.

Andras Kristof

CEO of Fembusa Terminals Pte Ltd - company made headlines when they unveiled Asia's first Bitcoin ATM in Singapore, the Tembusu Prime Bitcoin ATM, and founder and CTO of many groundbreaking companies in Asia.

Mike Raitsyn

Experienced strategic consultant in the ICO sphere.

Pavel Rasputin

Professional with more than 10 years of experience in marketing from B2B for one of the biggest Russian software developing companies SKB Kontur to international B2C in Aviasales and Jetradar.com

Fabio Tamburrano

Board Member Coeclerici Spa - global mining company with HQ in Milan, with a strong track record of corporate finance and investment management having learned his trade at companies such as Moody's, Deutsche Bank (VP structured products) and more recently in Russia as a board member of Minmet Financing (Swiss trading company) and Investment Director at Svyaznoy (one of Russia's largest mobile phone providers).

Keith Teare

Leading figure past and present in many important companies including Archimedes Labs, Minds and Machines Inc, MedCo, EasyNet and RealNames to name just a small few, and was one of the co-founders of Techcrunch.